Tag Archives: Jordan

The Glowing Pod et. al

A casual summer afternoon at my grandmother’s home in Jordan is never complete without a glass of tea. I say glass because she has an odd habit of serving tea in tiny, long glasses with the cutest little handles. We all sat there as we usually do, my mother and her mother, also, her sisters and their kids. As they all continued rambling on about some political problem or another, people came and went as they pleased. I noticed my brother and my younger cousin get up quite suspiciously. These boys were usually up to no good and normally I would think nothing of it. This time I knew something troublesome was happening. I waited a solid two minutes so that they wouldn’t notice me getting up to follow them and slowly made my way to the kitchen. I saw them open a door that, up until that very moment, I had not known existed. They stepped in as if they were embarking on a very long journey and went through the hanging plastic sheets. If I had not known any better I would say that they were entering a carwash. I waited until I was sure they went inside and began to follow them. As I reached the strange, thick plastic I parted them as quietly as I could and stepped inside.

Nothing in all the heavens and hells could have prepared me for what I saw, because what I saw was not.

Row upon row of giant pea pods hung midair. People frequently misuse the word giant, often describing a tarantula as such. If this is the case then I must rephrase, row upon row of gargantuan pea pods hung midair. They were the size of small homes and they were glowing. Naturally, my jaw fell to the floor and as I knelt down to pick it up I heard my brother and little cousin yelling furiously at each other.

I could not make out what they were saying; their sounds were just that, sounds. Inaudible yet as sharp as whistle it went on and bounced off of the glowing pods. I began to make my way to the source, which as we all know is how a good story always begins. I heard numbers, “7,000 Dollars” he yelled. “Mine”, the other voice said.

I got down on my hands and knees and began to crawl, it was only at this point did I begin to wonder why the pods were glowing. The natural assumption was that they were housing fetuses of an alien species. Satisfied with my thought process and seemingly rational conclusion, I was stopped abruptly as I began to see the outlines of the boys. I could now hear clearly what it was they were discussing and the truth was exposed and luckily, the pods did not contain artificial amniotic fluid. They were housing tiny glowing orbs of the most potent heroine on our little planet. 

And then as all good stories end, I awoke to my terribly mundane life.


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